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Precise Indoor Geolocation & Geofencing

“I am looking for an indoor geo-location and geo-fencing solution”

“My factory workers need to perform very strict series of operations on each car at each work step on the production line using handheld screwdrivers.

Can I prevent handheld screwdrivers and other tools to be used on separate production work steps in order to avoid unfinished series and reduce quality problems?”

Can a Private Mobile Network help you?

Based on the way you will build your 5G PMN in your production line, you will be able to perform precise indoor geolocation and geofencing of tools, products or vehicles. Using what is called precise triangulation, the PMN will be able to calculate in real time the exact position of a tool and map it against a map of your plant. You can then set alerts, stop the tool from functioning in order to prevent an unfinished series of operations to be performed.

4G or 5G?

5G is the only cellular technology that can allow such a precise indoor location. The main advantage is that your own 5G PMN will provide you with connectivity as well as geolocation and geofencing capability.

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